Thursday, March 1, 2012


  1. First thing you should do is to weed out any fake gold from possible gold is take a "Rare earth magnet" (its super duper strong and it works great)  If there is any magnetism at all it is fake.  But expect the clasp to be magnetic because there is a little steel spring inside the clasp so it can open and close.
  2. Take your Jewelers loop and carefully look if there is any scuffing where the gold plating might have rubbed off due to wear. If you can see the type of metal that is underneath the gold and its not gold color. Its fake plain and simple.
  3. First when you see something that might look like gold. Hold it in your hand bounce it up and down a-couple times.  Does it feel heavier than a ordinary item that is not gold like this?  If it it heavier than a normal costume item that looks the same such as chains or rings.  Follow the next steps below.
  4. Number four.  Look at the welds where the clasp meets the chain.  If it is just a ring holding the chain on its usually fake.  But if it looks professionally made.  Like someone took time to weld it nice and neat.  You should take a chance on it. Jewelers always weld there chains and earrings because it's gold they don't want it to break and fall off.  Like the cheap china ones.
  5. DON'T TRUST THE MARKS AT ALL 10K 12K 14K 18K 22K 24k its a 50/50 chance that it could be fake. Iv gotten burned before and so will you.  It's just a matter of time you will let your guard down and it will happen.
  6. Then finally take what you have found home and test it on your gold testing stone.
  7. I will post a video tutorial on everything I just mentioned soon.  If you have any questions about anything jewelry gold silver related please contact me at

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